Friday, August 26, 2011

11 Months

I had a hard time trying to find out what to blog about on Harper when she was 11 months. So I had to ask my mom what she was doing. Got some ideas. Now time to blog.

So at 11 months there were a few things that Harper liked to eat. She loved to eat Cheerios and Fruity pebbles. She would just sit in her highchair at Nama's house and just munch away on them. She seemed to always be munching on them.
Harper also when Auntie Daunie would be working she would fall asleep before she got home. But always seemed to wake up when she got home. We think she knew Auntie Daunie was bring home food. Harper would join her with eating french fries and dip. She sure loved it. One night we put Harper in her highchair and let her go to town with the dip. She loved it. Too bad she was  a huge mess. Till this day she still loves to eat french fries.
Sorry to cut the blog short this time. Not to much to add that she was doing at 11 months.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Harper at 10 months

At the beginning of Harper's 10 month we were just getting back from our visit in Arizona. Harper didn't mind the plane ride at all which was nice. She mostly slept or looked at all of the people around her.
                                All the excitement wore a poor baby out. She was so ready to sleep.
A big thanks to Uncle Jesse for coming and picking us up from the airport and bringing us to their house. And also a big thanks to Jennifer and Jesse for letting us stay the night there. It was fun.

By this time Harper was walking on her knees everywhere. She refused to walk on her feet for the longest time. Her poor knees would be all calloused over and the tops of her feet also. It was so cute though seeing her do it. She was so quick on her knees that it amazed me.
Harper also at this age would just fall asleep on the floor if you would not cuddle her like she would want you to. It was so stinkin cute. Especially how she would sleep. She looked like a frog.
During Harper's tenth month she also got to experience Christmas. Nama had bought Harper her first Christmas dress. It was so cute. She looked adorable in it. Harper would not open her gifts on her own but she sure loved to play with everything afterwords. She had got a lot of clothes. All the outfits were so cute.
Harper playing with all of the blocks that mommy got her.
Too bad I had to go to work not long after everyone had opened their presents. It was not much fun missing Christmas dinner. But it had to be done.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Harper turns 9 months and more...

Ten months was a fun month for both of us. A lot had happened. Harper could completely sit up on her own in the bath tub. She loved its. That meant she could play with toys in the tub. But her favorite thing was a wash cloth. Funny baby.
Harper started learning how to pull herself up in front of the furniture. My baby was starting to get so big. She loved being able to pull herself up. That meant she could get into more things. Especially the daycare kids toys.
Right before Thanksgiving we got to experience out first plane ride. Kolby bought us tickets to go to Arizona and celebrate Thanksgiving with his family. In the beginning I was a little scared I will admit about going on a plane with a baby and meeting his family.

Harper got to have her first Thanksgiving in Arizona with Kolby's family. She loved it. She got so spoiled by everyone. But we missed my family when we were there. Harper got spoiled by Auntie Jessica. She made Harper a whole bunch of bows and she got Harper some onesie's.

During our time down there something big happened. Kolby asked me to marry him. I said yes. That was one of the biggest things that happened to me while we were down there. That was the night that the Utes had a football game. Harper got to experience all the excitement in the house. We went out to dinner after. It was an amazing night.
We met so many people that it was kind of a overload. But it was an adventure that was fun. Harper like always enjoyed all of the attention that she was getting from all of the new people in her life and who had just met her.

Kolby surprised us both and we all went to Disneyland for the first time. Harper was not to sure of it all. It was so much fun. Jessica and Kernan went with us so that we had someone who would watch Harper as we rode the rides.
                                                         The first family photo

                                                          Harper was not to sure of Santa.

                                                                   Or Minnie Mouse

                                                                But she liked Goofy.
During our time down there we had out engagement pictures took. His sister Jessica did an amazing job on them. She even did a little photo shoot of just Harper.

We had so much fun when we were in Arizona. Loved everything about it. It was hard to leave. Harper loved having her pictures taken. She knows exactly what to do.

Harper 7-8 months

Seven months where to begin. Harper was in daycare with my mom at this point of her life. She got to spend lots of time with her Nama and all the daycare kids. They all sure loved her. She got so much attention. She was learning how to scoot forward. Harper at this time loved being in her jumper and being able to see all around her while she was bouncing. She always had her legs going. Non stop it seemed like.

Eight months, Harper got to experience her first carnival. She was to little to enjoy any of the rides though. Kolby also came up and saw us and spent Labor Day with us. We all went and watched the fireworks. Harper fell asleep before they started but she woke up right before they started so that she could watch them with us. Then the next day she got to experience a parade for the first time also. She didn't care to much about what was going on.  Kolby bought a block letter train at the carnival that spelled out Harper. It was so cute. He took it home with him though when he flew back to Arizona. Harper also started teething and got her bottom two teeth in all at once. Felt bad for the poor baby.

One night I was getting ready for work and I changed Harper's diaper before I left her with Aunt Daunie. I noticed that she had a rash on her body. I was a little worried to leave her and have to go to work. But of course I had to go to work in the end. We never did figure out what her rash was from. But i know that it sure scared me.

Nine months Harper had a play date at Nama's house with baby Leland. Who is a little younger than Harper is. He was crawling everywhere and I thin that is where Harper finally got learning how to crawl forward. Harper loved being around kids her own age. She always smiled. It was so cute.

 Harper also got to experience her her first Halloween. We bought her some little pumpkins to paint. She was not to sure about the paint being on her. She started crying.
Then a few nights later she got to get all dressed up. Earlier on Halloween day we went to the local Halloween carnival.  Then that night she helped mommy hand out candy to all the kids who came knocking on the door. She was all dressed up in her cute little piglet costume. She had fun. Nama gave her a bath before she fell asleep. Harper loved seeing all the kids dressed up. Especially the kids that she knew.
Next blog 9 months and more.

Monday, August 22, 2011

The first 6 months

I was so happy when we were discharged from the hospital. I was so ready to get home and be back in my normal environment. Jennifer picked us up and we went to her house and waited till someone could come get us.
                                             Uncle Jesse finally got to meet baby Harper.
                                               Cousin Savannah was so happy to see Baby Harper.
Great grandma Barbara and Great aunt Marla both came and stayed with us and met Harper. They were so excited.

The first month was an adjustment for me. Getting used to having to get up during the night and taking care of a baby. Feeding and everything else. It took a long time to adjust to. I have to admit Harper was a really good baby though. Barely heard her fuss. Harper was a very popular baby. Always meeting new people. We went to Montana for the first time so since she was born so we could meet everyone else. Including Great grandpa Wayne.
                                                               4 generation pictures

The second month had gotten easier. Harper started getting a personality that was cute. She always it seemed like had a smile on her face. She loved the attention that she had got from everyone. Even all the daycare kids. We took Harper again to Montana. Grandpa Wayne just loved her just as much as the first time. She stared to love bath time.

The third month was nice. Harper was into seeing everything. So we would take her for walks. She loved them. She also loved being outside watching the kids play. It was nice when we would go anywhere far in a vehicle. She would go to sleep about every time. Which was fine with me. Then we didn't have to worry about a crabby baby when we were on our way somewhere. We went to Montana for the second time to see Great grandma and great grandpa. Harper also got to meet Aunt Brenda, Uncle Craige, Jade and Ella. They loved her. She also got to meet Uncle Casey, Mackenzie and Linzie. They also loved her. They traveled to Idaho just to meet her. We started going to church. Took the missionary lessons from Elder Peterson and Elder Tuller. Two amazing people.

The fourth month Harper started discovering her hands. They seemed to always be in her mouth. She also completely was holding her head up on her own. I was so proud of my little girl. She was developing so good. I was shocked at what she could do. Harper got to meet baby Shane (not really a baby. My friend Anjo's son) she loved staring at him and watching what he was doing.

The fifth month Harper got to meet Great Grandma Rose and the rest of the family in Castle Rock Washington. Of course they all loved her. Harper got her first experience in a swimming pool. She was not to sure what to think of it. Harper got a gift from Disneyland from Elder Peterson's family (my in laws now) they got her a goofy and she loved him. She was always chewing on him. We had a surprise birthday party for Nama and she had no clue what was going on. Went to the car show, walked main street in St. Maries, then went to the art festival.

The sixth month Harper started eating rice cereal. Made a huge mess of course. She loved going to the park and swinging on the baby swings. Harper rolled over for the first time... On Nama's actual birthday. I was so proud of my little girl. She was turning into such a big girl. It made me sad some days seeing how fast she was growing up.
Next blog is going to be months 7-8. Then I will be getting more to Harper these days.

The birth of Harper

So the day before I had Harper was my dads birthday February 2nd. Spent the day with the family, had a family dinner, and my nephew made dessert. He made and frosted cupcakes. They joked around because my cupcake had the most frosting on it. They said that it was going to put me into labor. Which it basically did.

The next morning at around 4:30 I was woke up to my water breaking. I didn't think that it was my water until the contractions started coming. I left my mom a note upstairs on the kitchen table telling her that my water had broke. When she got the note it was around 5:30. She got ready, woke up my little sister so she could watch the daycare kids. Then we head over to Spokane. We arrived at Sacred Heart Medical Center sometime after 7. They hook me up to the machines to monitor my contractions. Luckily I didn't have to wait long to get my epidural.

We call everyone that we could to let them know that I was in the hospital and it was the day that Harper was going to be born. We called my Grandma Rose and told her. She knew that it was getting closer to me having Harper. When she got the call. She was excited. For two reasons. First being Harper being born. Second, Harper was going to share the same birthday as my Grandpa Bert who had passed away.

 My mom kept trying to pass out on me. So we had to call my oldest sister Jennifer. She didn't live to far away from the hospital so she came over as soon as she could. She was excited because that meant that she was going to be able to be part of the delivery of Harper.

Getting closer to time to push. The epidural started to wear off and I could feel the contractions more and more. Then next thing I knew it was time to push. My doctor barely made it to the delivery. A half hour later Harper was welcomed into the world. She was born at 1:37pm and was 6lb 4oz and 19in long.

She was perfectly healthy. She was 3 weeks early.  

My mom got the privilege of holding Harper first. She was so happy when she was holding her. She had the biggest smile on her face.

Pictures then were sent to everyone who had requested one after she was born. 

Later that night the rest of the family was able to come and see her. They all were so happy. I was so lucky to have such a supportive family that helped me out with everything. That  night my youngest sister stayed with me in case I needed help with anything. Everyone else left and headed home because they had to work. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

My life

Hi I am Jourdan. I am 20 years old. I have recently been married to an amazing man who I love dearly. We have a 18 month old daughter. She is our world. She is the whole reason that I am doing a blog. In February is when I got married. Then after we moved to Arizona. It was a big move for my daughter and I. Seeing how everyone in my family is still back in Idaho. We both miss everyone terribly. We are going up in September though. My oldest sister is gonna have a baby. So i am hoping to be there for that. Just like she was there for me when I had Harper. When i am up there, there is also going to be a family reunion which I am so excited for.

So about my daughter. Her name is Harper Louise. She is 18 months. She started walking 2 days before Easter. We were so happy about that. Now she runs circles around us it seems like. Since she was born she is the center of my life. My goal was to be able to provide for her. Which I have done.

I have a very loving, kind and caring family. I have two amazing parents. They mean so much to me. I have 3 sisters. Two older and one younger. They also mean a lot to me. I miss all of them so much being so far away from them. I have a nephew and a niece. Also a niece on the way. I hate being so far away from them and missing watching them grow up. I have realized how much i miss them after this weekend. Missing their birthdays is the hardest. I love you guys so much.

Hate to end my blog short but not having my computer I don't have access to all the pictures that I would like to add. Next blog I will begin the day that Harper came into the world.