The next morning at around 4:30 I was woke up to my water breaking. I didn't think that it was my water until the contractions started coming. I left my mom a note upstairs on the kitchen table telling her that my water had broke. When she got the note it was around 5:30. She got ready, woke up my little sister so she could watch the daycare kids. Then we head over to Spokane. We arrived at Sacred Heart Medical Center sometime after 7. They hook me up to the machines to monitor my contractions. Luckily I didn't have to wait long to get my epidural.
We call everyone that we could to let them know that I was in the hospital and it was the day that Harper was going to be born. We called my Grandma Rose and told her. She knew that it was getting closer to me having Harper. When she got the call. She was excited. For two reasons. First being Harper being born. Second, Harper was going to share the same birthday as my Grandpa Bert who had passed away.
My mom kept trying to pass out on me. So we had to call my oldest sister Jennifer. She didn't live to far away from the hospital so she came over as soon as she could. She was excited because that meant that she was going to be able to be part of the delivery of Harper.
Getting closer to time to push. The epidural started to wear off and I could feel the contractions more and more. Then next thing I knew it was time to push. My doctor barely made it to the delivery. A half hour later Harper was welcomed into the world. She was born at 1:37pm and was 6lb 4oz and 19in long.
She was perfectly healthy. She was 3 weeks early.
My mom got the privilege of holding Harper first. She was so happy when she was holding her. She had the biggest smile on her face.
Pictures then were sent to everyone who had requested one after she was born.
Later that night the rest of the family was able to come and see her. They all were so happy. I was so lucky to have such a supportive family that helped me out with everything. That night my youngest sister stayed with me in case I needed help with anything. Everyone else left and headed home because they had to work.
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