To start off the day Kolby put our car on craigslist and was looking for a new one. It was not even on craigslist and he got a call and someone was interested in looking at it. So he went to his moms and cleaned it up a little. The guy liked it and bought the car. So we were car-less. I had to go pick him up from our apartment and bring him back to his sisters.
Our 4th we celebrated with Kolby's family. We all went to his sisters house and celebrated. We had dinner there. They barbecued whatever meat you brought over. Then we also had salads. The kids while I was gone had a water balloon fight. Okay i will say not just the kids. There was a few adults involved in it.
Once it got dark we sat in my sister-in-laws garage and watched the fireworks from there. They were not that far away. We couldn't see the ground ones but we didn't mind that. We got to see all the big ones at least.
Daddy and Harper Harper and the girls Harper and Uncle Brian
They had a pretty good firework show. Harper loved it. She loved the loud noise and the bright colors lighting up the sky.